Steps to Archive contacts

Steps to Archive contacts

Steps to Archive contacts

To archive contacts, follow these steps:

  • Hover over the Contacts menu and select List option


  • click on the contact within the list.

  • To archive a contact record, click the Archive button.

Archiving multiple contacts

You can archive multiple contacts by importing a properly formatted spreadsheet.

To archive multiple contacts through importing, use the following procedure:

  • Hover over the Contacts menu and select List option

  • Click on Export button

  • Export the contacts you want to archive to a spreadsheet.

  • Open the spreadsheet in Excel and set the Archived column to Yes for the contacts you want to archive.

  • Save the spreadsheet.

  • Import the spreadsheet.

Restoring archived records

Once a contact record has been archived, the Archive button on the contact details is replaced by a Restore from archive button.

Clicking the Restore from archive button will restore the contact record from archived to active status.

You can also restore archived records in bulk using Wild Apricot's exporting and importing functions. Within the spreadsheet, set the Archived column to No. If you want to restore their membership as well, set the Membership enabled column to Yes.

Archived contacts are automatically restored when they log in to your Wild Apricot site, register for an event, apply for membership, make a donation, or subscribe to a forum or forum topic. If the contact is a member, their membership will be restored in Lapsed status.